5th Grade I Spy Creators
I recently had a great Skype session with Long Meadow Elementary School in Middlebury, Connecticut. Their library/media specialist, Mrs. Groman, and art teacher, Mrs. Louise Porter-hahn, had guided them through the process of making I Spy riddles and pictures. They sent the results to me and asked for a Skype session. I said yes because I was so impressed with their efforts. During the Skype session I took the role of editor and went over each riddle, pointing out what worked well (much did) and making suggestions for what didn't. Occasionally, I stopped and asked the students if they felt comfortable with the editing process. They said yes. At the end I suggested that they could revise their work if they wanted to, but since they were the authors, that decision was up to them. A few weeks later, their teacher sent me their finished work. It is fantastic. I'm very proud of these students and pleased to share their excellent work with you. |