
Grow and Outdoor Garden
From Superkids by Jean Marzollo - Illustrations by Irene Trivas

Many of the activities on these pages may require adult supervision.
Be sure to tell a grown-up about what you're planning and ask for permission before getting started.

Follow directions and think rain.


One of the side benefits of growing your own garden is that you get to like rain. Rain means your garden will grow and you won't have to go out with the sprinkler and water it. You learn to appreciate the sun too.
You get to see plants grow up toward it and turn the sun's energy into flowers and vegetables. No matter how many scientific explanations you study, growing a garden still feels like participating in a miracle.

girl with umbrella

For starters, try this garden plan. It's small enough for a superkid to handle yet big enough to grow several different kinds of plants. The first thing to do is find a spot where the sun shines all day and where your parents will let you dig. Use a shovel that is comfortable for you. Turn the soil over and over until it is loose and crumbly. Do you see earthworms? Good. That means your soil is rich in organic material and nutrients. If your soil is too hard or too sandy and you see no worms, find another spot for a garden. Plant your garden in the spring.
There are two ways to do this: (1) transplant into the ground small plants that were started from seed indoors or in a greenhouse, or (2) sow seeds directly into the ground, as directed on the seed package. In both cases, do this in the late afternoon or on a cloudy day so that your plants will not have to suffer hot sun right away.

Weed out anything that grows in the spaces between the plants you are growing, and make sure your garden gets water. You may have to put up a fence to keep out marauding animals and provide supports structures for certain plants, like tomatoes.

If you have questions about gardening, ask a grown-up who knows about it. The place where you buy plants and seeds may have people who will help you. Or look in the phone book under the name of your county and see if there's a number for "Extension Service." The people who work for county extension services give advice on gardening willingly. That's their job.




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Based on the book SUPERKIDS: Creative Learning Activities for Children 5-15
Text © Jean Marzollo 1983-2016, Illustrations © Irene Trivas 1983-2016

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