Ken Geist, my editor, suggested this book for children 2-5, so, with help from my sons Dan and Dave, I did. Ken Geist liked the idea of punch-out ornaments, and so did I. The photographs are beautiful, aren't they? Perfect for a young child. But guess what: everyone makes mistakes. The cover says that there are 8 ornaments to be made. If fact, there are only 4, which are made from 8 punch-outs. I feel so embarrassed! The book cover was checked by many people. We never noticed the mistake! After it was printed, my assistant discovered it quickly. I apologize. But it's a good lesson to everyone to learn: everyone makes mistakes. Now here's the good news. If the book is reprinted, the 8 will become a 4. So ... if you have a cover with an 8, maybe some day your book will be a collector's item!
