Ken Geist, my editor at Scholastic, suggested this book for the Scholastic Readers series. My sons Dan and Dave helped me write it. They looked through all the wonderful photographs that Walter Wick shot for the original I SPY books, searching for Thanksgiving objects. They found the cover photo where two cats are setting a table, and for the table inside pictures, they found an apple pie, a thank you note, and well, since it's I SPY, why don't you look for all of the other Thanksgiving items? One special note, pictures of my sons (now adults) when they were young are in the book: the boy with the football jersey is Dan and the boy with the blue striped clothes is Dave. I am very thankful for them and their help with I SPY!


Photo sent to me by my friend, Sister Cathy Molloy, teacher and on-site project coordinator
of the OK Clean Water Project in Kumbo, Cameroon |